

Tag: fast food



I smoked some grave ass

Damaged the thick glass

Of my cartoon eye lash

So did Gunter Grass

He was good, dontya thinks?

knifing slivery eelsguts

in a Kitchen Sink

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Hovis Toast


Fat poets fancy:

Bacon, egg, fried tomatoes,

mushrooms, and Hovis Toast:

in itself a meal–

funny how memories smell

Smitten Kitten



Stargazy cow pies

Here comes long night to

Foreshortened solstice day.

Burnham Wood to Dunsinane again.

Escape to wet room while stocks last?

Suck the carpet beat the doormats.

Sock cloth and pastiche.

O my damaged brain!

Wherefore art though cameo?

Keeping down appearances to a bare minimum.

Let it flow, Jojo.

The man is at the chores.

Being the son of a bitch.

Yappy mucky pup.

Hard wired downcast.

Upbeat positivity.

Pass the spare sickbag.

Ash trees on airwaves.

Pictures of kittens
